April 15, 2020

How we can Help Each Other in this Covid-19


The COVID-19 pandemic marks an unexpected situation in all around the Globe which is hardly overcome by few regions until now. Day by day a high number of humanity loss has been recorded.



Every associate body or individual seeking help in different means . Individuals who are dependent on daily wages have no work in a lockdown situation even seeking for a one time meal for their loved ones is very hard to find .Doctor and paramedical staff seeking masks and protective kits to properly look after the affected persons .

Best Solution for Providing Online Donation in COVID-19

In this unwelcome situation we need to unite and help those regions and associate organizations who are warmly active participants in the affected areas and fighting gently against this disease, A single penny Donation will also play a life saving role in this marked situation which is now part of our history  .

  • Amount collected in the form of funds will be utilized to feed daily wages families
  • Mask and Kits provided by any volunteer will be provided to those centers which are high in danger and have more patients than other areas.
  • Digital awareness campaigns will be aired in every affected area.
  • Purchase of basic food items for those families are needy and have no permanent source of income.
  • And much, much more…

As the situation evolves, the fund will transition to support longer-term recovery and education efforts run by local, vetted organizations in affected regions. We will work with our partners on the ground to allocate funds where they’re most needed.



Long-Term Impact

Organizations that are connected with local bodies can perform better than those who are far away or have no direct approach to affected areas. Humanity should never be let down in any means or any circumstances. For Online Donation Noor Foundation is always forefront  and its pillars were made of Honesty and humble hands who tried to serve humanity without any benefit but helping people in need .


Noor Foundation

